


Preparing for success: How Copa City and the Czepczyński Family Foundation inspire financial literacy [POLSKA WERSJA PONIŻEJ]

In the energetic, football-centric world of Copa City, players are tasked with no small feat: transforming a vibrant city into the ultimate host for a legendary football match. From managing budgets to ensuring the safety and comfort of fans, every decision matters. Yet beyond the flashing stadium lights and festive fan zones, Copa City offers something more—an unexpected opportunity to learn.

The Game behind The Game

Copa City challenges players to balance a city’s resources strategically while staying on budget. Fans arrive with high expectations, and players must ensure their needs are met by making smart investments: marketing campaigns, upgraded stadiums, safe accommodations, and lively fan zones stocked with food trucks and entertainment. Every decision influences the city’s success and reputation. Yet, like in real life, resources are limited, and managing finances wisely becomes the key to victory.

It’s a rewarding experience for players of all ages—and a natural entry point for teaching essential financial skills in a dynamic, child-friendly way. In a world where financial literacy is recognized as vital, Copa City takes an engaging approach to lessons on budgeting, investments, and resource management.

A shared vision for tomorrow

This is where organizations like the Czepczyński Family Foundation (CFF) come into the picture. Dedicated to improving financial literacy among children aged 5 to 10, the foundation’s mission aligns perfectly with the core values embedded in Copa City. By focusing on essential skills like budgeting, prioritization, and resource management, the CFF aims to equip young learners with knowledge that will serve them for a lifetime.

Much like the decisions players make in Copa City — balancing investments in fan zones, security, and accommodations — the CFF encourages children to think strategically about how they allocate resources. Through its educational initiatives, the foundation provides methodological support for teachers, parents, and schools, fostering a culture of financial responsibility at an early age.

The bigger picture: An education in play

The importance of financial education isn’t limited to schools or textbooks—it flourishes in interactive environments where learning feels natural and fun. Games like Copa City create an ideal space for this kind of development, particularly for children, who are just beginning to grasp concepts like budgeting and planning.

This shared vision has led to meaningful discussions with the CFF about how playful tools like Copa City can serve as a bridge to introduce financial literacy concepts. Together, we explore how children can benefit from gamified learning experiences that are both engaging and educational.

Some of the CFF’s key initiatives, such as supporting teachers with valuable materials and fostering relationships with businesses, mirror the in-game lessons players experience. Whether it’s organizing a fan zone in Copa City or planning their future savings, the principles remain the same: think ahead, prioritize wisely, and make informed decisions.

More than a game

Copa City reminds us that even the smallest decisions can ripple outward, shaping success or failure. Whether it’s securing safety for thousands of fans or ensuring a city stays within budget, players learn that responsibility and strategy go hand-in-hand.

In the same spirit, the Czepczyński Family Foundation continues its mission to prepare kids for life’s many opportunities and challenges. When resources are limited, and choices must be made, knowledge becomes the ultimate game-changer—in Copa City and beyond.

So as you build your dream city and orchestrate the perfect match day, take a moment to appreciate the deeper skills you’re mastering. Who knows? The next generation of savvy planners, responsible investors, and future leaders might just be learning these lessons through play—with a little help from the Czepczyński Family Foundation’s commitment to financial education.

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Przygotowanie do sukcesu: Jak Copa City i Czepczyński Family Foundation inspirują do świadomości finansowej

W energetycznym, futbolowym świecie Copa City gracze stają przed nie lada wyzwaniem: przekształceniem tętniącego życiem miasta w idealnego gospodarza legendarnego meczu piłkarskiego. Od zarządzania budżetem po zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa i komfortu kibiców – każda decyzja ma znaczenie. Ale poza migoczącymi światłami stadionów i festiwalowymi strefami kibica, Copa City oferuje coś więcej – nieoczekiwaną okazję do nauki.

Gra za kulisami Gry

Copa City stawia przed graczami wyzwanie strategicznego zarządzania zasobami miasta przy jednoczesnym utrzymaniu budżetu. Kibice przyjeżdżają z wysokimi oczekiwaniami, a gracze muszą je spełnić, podejmując mądre inwestycje: kampanie marketingowe, modernizacje stadionów, bezpieczne miejsca noclegowe i żywe strefy kibica z food truckami i rozrywką. Każda decyzja wpływa na sukces i reputację miasta. Jednak, jak w prawdziwym życiu, zasoby są ograniczone, a kluczem do zwycięstwa staje się mądre zarządzanie finansami.

To satysfakcjonujące doświadczenie dla graczy w każdym wieku — i naturalny punkt wyjścia do nauki podstawowych umiejętności finansowych w dynamiczny i przyjazny dzieciom sposób. W świecie, gdzie świadomość finansowa jest uznawana za kluczową, Copa City wprowadza angażujące lekcje na temat budżetowania, inwestycji i zarządzania zasobami.

Wspólna wizja na przyszłość

Tutaj na scenę wkraczają organizacje takie jak Czepczyński Family Foundation (CFF). Poświęcona poprawie świadomości finansowej wśród dzieci w wieku od 5 do 10 lat, misja fundacji idealnie współgra z wartościami zawartymi w Copa City. Skupiając się na kluczowych umiejętnościach, takich jak budżetowanie, ustalanie priorytetów i zarządzanie zasobami, CFF dąży do wyposażenia młodych uczniów w wiedzę, która posłuży im przez całe życie.

Podobnie jak decyzje podejmowane przez graczy w Copa City — równoważenie inwestycji w strefy kibica, bezpieczeństwo i zakwaterowanie — CFF zachęca dzieci do strategicznego myślenia o alokacji zasobów. Dzięki swoim inicjatywom edukacyjnym fundacja oferuje wsparcie metodyczne nauczycielom, rodzicom i szkołom, promując kulturę odpowiedzialności finansowej od najmłodszych lat.

Szerszy obraz: Edukacja przez zabawę

Znaczenie edukacji finansowej nie ogranicza się do szkół czy podręczników – rozkwita w interaktywnych środowiskach, gdzie nauka staje się naturalna i przyjemna. Gry takie jak Copa City tworzą idealną przestrzeń do takiego rozwoju, szczególnie dla dzieci, które dopiero zaczynają rozumieć pojęcia takie jak budżetowanie i planowanie.

Ta wspólna wizja zaowocowała znaczącymi rozmowami z CFF na temat tego, jak narzędzia takie jak Copa City mogą służyć jako pomost do wprowadzania pojęć z zakresu świadomości finansowej. Wspólnie badamy, jak dzieci mogą czerpać korzyści z grywalizacji, która jest zarówno angażująca, jak i edukacyjna.

Niektóre kluczowe inicjatywy CFF, takie jak wspieranie nauczycieli cennymi materiałami i budowanie relacji z biznesem, odzwierciedlają lekcje z gry. Niezależnie od tego, czy chodzi o organizację strefy kibica w Copa City, czy planowanie przyszłych oszczędności, zasady pozostają te same: myśl naprzód, mądrze ustalaj priorytety i podejmuj świadome decyzje.

Więcej niż gra

Copa City przypomina nam, że nawet najmniejsze decyzje mogą mieć dalekosiężne konsekwencje, wpływając na sukces lub porażkę. Niezależnie od tego, czy chodzi o zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa tysiącom kibiców, czy utrzymanie miasta w granicach budżetu, gracze uczą się, że odpowiedzialność i strategia idą w parze.

W tym samym duchu Czepczyński Family Foundation kontynuuje swoją misję przygotowywania dzieci na wiele życiowych szans i wyzwań. Gdy zasoby są ograniczone, a wybory muszą być przemyślane, wiedza staje się kluczowym czynnikiem sukcesu — zarówno w Copa City, jak i poza nią.

Budując swoje wymarzone miasto i organizując perfekcyjny dzień meczowy, zatrzymaj się na chwilę, by docenić głębsze umiejętności, które opanowujesz. Kto wie? Może przyszłe pokolenie bystrych planistów, odpowiedzialnych inwestorów i przyszłych liderów właśnie uczy się tych lekcji poprzez zabawę — z pomocą zaangażowania Czepczyński Family Foundation w edukację finansową.

How to manage major events in Copa City – A beginner’s guide

Managing major events can be a challenging but rewarding experience, especially in Copa City, a unique football-themed tycoon game where players prepare a bustling metropolis for match day. From organizing fan zones to balancing budgets, Copa City offers a detailed look at the complexities of sports event management. For beginners diving into this immersive game, understanding how to juggle competing priorities and resources is the key to success. This guide will help you get started and navigate the key elements of managing events in Copa City.

Laying the groundwork: Preparing for the Big Match

In Copa City, the road to a successful event starts long before the first whistle. Players are tasked with ensuring the city is ready to accommodate fans, players, and officials while maintaining an enjoyable atmosphere. Success in this sports management simulator hinges on strategic preparation and a deep understanding of fan needs.

Some critical elements to address early in the game include:

• Stadium management: Customize and prepare the stadium, including seating arrangements, ticket pricing, and even pitch maintenance. Adjust these factors to match your financial strategy and maximize attendance.

• Marketing the event: Hire marketing agencies to promote the match and attract a larger crowd. Effective campaigns can significantly boost attendance and revenue, adding another layer to your city’s success.

• Fan zones: Build designated areas for fans to gather before and after the match. Incorporate food trucks, entertainment, and security to keep the atmosphere safe and enjoyable.

Every decision influences the fiesta level, a measure of your event’s success. Higher fiesta levels mean happier fans and better outcomes for your city’s reputation.

Mastering fan dynamics and critical events

Fans in Copa City are at the heart of the experience, each with unique preferences and needs. From accommodation to security, every detail matters. Here are some tips to ensure your city is ready to host fans from around the globe:

• Catering to different fanbases: Fans from various football clubs come with their own expectations and rivalries. To avoid conflicts, plan accommodations strategically so supporters of different teams stay in separate zones.

• Critical events: Be prepared for unexpected events, such as fan disputes or logistical challenges. These scenarios often require quick decision-making, where each choice has trade-offs. For instance, increasing security might cost extra funds but ensures fan safety.

• Meeting basic needs: Ensure fans have places to stay, food to eat, and reliable transportation to get around. Balance resources carefully, as overspending on one area can leave others underfunded.

By addressing these factors, you’ll create a positive and safe environment, ensuring fans leave with lasting memories.

Balancing budgets and resources: Keys to long-term success

A key element of a football tycoon game like Copa City is managing a finite budget. While the temptation to spend heavily on flashy features can be strong, beginners should focus on sustainable growth. Here are some tips for financial success:

• Prioritize spending: Start by investing in high-impact areas, such as transportation routes and security. These are essential for keeping the event running smoothly.

• Plan for long-term gains: Balance short-term needs with longer-term infrastructure improvements, like upgrading fan zones, which pay off in future events.

• Monitor Fiesta Levels: As the Fiesta Level grows, so does your revenue potential. Keep an eye on this metric to understand what areas need improvement.

The ultimate goal is to ensure fans have a seamless experience without overspending your resources.

Bringing it all together: Preparing for the first whistle

The countdown to match day is a race against time, but with careful planning, you can bring everything together for a successful event. Focus on:

• Ensuring the stadium is match-ready, with seating and pricing optimized for maximum attendance.

• Coordinating public transportation routes to make travel convenient.

• Keeping fans entertained in well-organized zones that meet their needs for food, safety, and fun.

As the first whistle blows, the culmination of your efforts becomes evident. A well-executed event doesn’t just ensure happy fans—it builds your city’s reputation as a premier football destination.

A thriving football hub: Your Copa City legacy

Managing major events in Copa City is about more than just the match. It’s about creating a vibrant environment where fans feel connected to the game and the city. By balancing resources, addressing fan needs, and planning strategically, beginners can turn their city into a football powerhouse.

For those who love city management games or football simulators for management fans, Copa City provides an engaging challenge. With each match, players have the chance to refine their strategy and build on their successes, ensuring every event is better than the last.

Are you ready to manage your first event in Copa City? Start planning, make the tough calls, and create a football fiesta fans will never forget!

The best sports event management strategies – Copa City and other tycoon games

What are the best event management strategies and how Copa City reflects it's mechanics to gameplay?

Tycoon games have become a popular genre, drawing in fans who enjoy strategic planning and the thrill of building complex ecosystems. Copa City is a fresh entry into this genre, offering players a chance to manage a city preparing for a major football event. Unlike standard city-building games, Copa City integrates the excitement of football with the challenges of event management, making it a compelling choice for fans of sports management simulators. This game caters to those looking for realistic challenges in preparing a city for an influx of fans, athletes, and officials—all with the goal of ensuring a successful match day experience.

What makes Copa City a standout in city management games

In Copa City, players are tasked with transforming a city into a well-organized hub ready to host a major football event. The game brings together elements of city management and sports event planning, requiring players to make thoughtful decisions around transportation, accommodations, security, food services, and fan zones. Managing these elements successfully can create an atmosphere that feels as exciting as a real-world football event.

One of Copa City’s unique features is the presence of renowned football clubs, each bringing a dedicated fanbase with their own preferences and expectations. These fans arrive with team colors, banners, and plenty of enthusiasm, adding an authentic touch to the game. Managing crowd control and ensuring an enjoyable experience for fans in designated fan zones adds a layer of strategy that appeals to those interested in football infrastructure management. For players interested in how to manage a football event in a game, Copa City provides an opportunity to explore these logistics in a highly interactive way.

Key strategies for successful event management in football tycoon games

Copa City offers a learning experience in football event management that aligns well with real-life planning techniques. Here are a few strategies that can help ensure your city is prepared by the time the first whistle blows:

• Efficient transportation planning: Managing transportation is a core part of creating a smooth event experience. In Copa City, players need to develop public transport networks, and streamline traffic flow to handle game-day crowds. This type of planning reflects real-world challenges in sports event management, where seamless transportation is crucial.
• Balancing accommodations and city services: Preparing accommodations for the influx of fans and officials is another significant responsibility. In Copa City, players can allocate resources to build hotels, and improve city services to meet visitors’ needs. This balance of infrastructure and comfort adds depth to the game, giving players a taste of strategic city management.
• Enhancing fan engagement and security: Copa City allows players to set up designated fan zones, where supporters of each team can gather and enjoy the pre-game atmosphere. Providing security, entertainment, and amenities reflects the growing importance of fan engagement and safety in sports management simulators.

Copa City: A new take on football management for tycoon fans

For fans of football manager tycoon games, Copa City offers a distinct experience that goes beyond stadium management, encompassing the whole city and the various logistics of event planning. This comprehensive approach makes it an intriguing choice among best city management games of recent years. Copa City’s gameplay challenges players to coordinate multiple aspects of city and event infrastructure, from food stalls to public transport, providing an immersive, strategic experience for football and tycoon enthusiasts alike.

Overall, Copa City and similar games represent an evolving niche within the tycoon genre. Whether the interest lies in football stadium management games or broader sports event management tycoon games, these titles provide players with a unique mix of strategy, sports, and city planning that’s rarely found elsewhere. For anyone drawn to the strategic aspects of football infrastructure management and crowd engagement, Copa City provides a practical, engaging look into the world of event planning from the comfort of a virtual city.


Following the successful unveiling of the first football tycoon “Copa City” in June 2024, the Polish gaming studio Triple Espresso announced the next city extension by adding the Olympiastadion in Berlin to their debut title. This is another milestone on our path to launch the game in 2025, says Jakub Szumielewicz (CEO and Founder at Triple Espresso).

“Copa City” was announced in June 2024 at the PC Gaming Show 2024. The game quickly made headlines in both sports and gaming media as one of the hottest independent productions announced this summer. Over 100,000 people have added it to their wishlists, and a community of more than 90,000 followers eagerly awaiting the title’s debut has formed on social media. The game will introduce a revolutionary twist to the tycoon genre, as the players will need to organize a top class football match and deal with ensuring safety and providing entertainment to the thousands of demanding football fans before the kick-off, utilizing diverse mechanics and strategic planning to achieve the “football fiesta”, a unique factor of satisfaction of supporters.

From the very beginning, when we announced 'Copa City,' we emphasized how important it is for us to collaborate with leading partners from the football industry, says Szumielewicz. On day one we introduced PGE Narodowy in Warsaw as the first arena in our project and promised that more stadiums would be announced soon. Today, we are proud to welcome Olympiastadion Berlin, one of the most incredible football stadiums in the world located in one of the most inspiring cities on our planet. Never before have players had a chance to host a football match in Berlin, manage the flow of football fans through its iconic streets and squares, and organize the final parade from the Brandenburg Gate through Tiergarten to the Olympiastadion.

Olympiastadion Berlin with the capacity of nearly 75,000 seats is the largest football stadium in Germany and one of the most important arenas in Europe. Since its full and successful renovation in 2004, the Olympiastadion Berlin has hosted top fixtures in global football: 2006 FIFA World Cup final, 2011 FIFA Women’s World Cup match, 2015 UEFA Champions League final and six games of the recent UEFA EURO 2024 including the final.

The announcement of the cooperation between “Copa City” and the Olympiastadion Berlin aligns with Triple Espresso’s previously revealed strategy of signing official licensing agreements with PGE Narodowy stadium in Warsaw, as well as with the top brands like Arsenal FC, FC Bayern Munich and CR Flamengo that will also be featured in the game. Upon its release in 2025, “Copa City” will offer players access to six world-class football clubs and three iconic stadiums.

About Triple Espresso:

Triple Espresso is a newly established gaming studio in Warsaw, Poland. It is a team composed of industry veterans (experienced at Ubisoft, Techland, Blizzard Entertainment and EA Sports, previously working on titles such as “Dying Light 2”, “Watch Dogs”, “Pure Farming 2018”, “Builder Simulator” and “Airport Sim”), football experts (experienced at Legia Warszawa), as well as passionate gamers and creators, our mission is to create innovative gaming experiences while pushing the boundaries of interactive entertainment, explains Anna Szamowska, CMO and Partner at Triple Espresso.

Triple Espresso:

Copa City:


We present to you the first episode of our new show, Copa City Studio! Hosted by the renowned sports journalist Pedro Pinto, this program offers football fans the latest news, expert analyses, behind-the-scenes looks at the making of the Copa City game, and exclusive interviews with industry professionals.

In this episode, Pedro welcomes our vision holder, Michał Dziwniel, and our V-CO and Founder, Dominik Ebebenge, as his guests. They share the details behind the production of Copa City! Enjoy watching!


We are thrilled to announce that “Copa City” has been officially announced at the PC Gaming Show 2024, says Jakub Szumielewicz, CEO and Founder at Triple Espresso, This is the first public step towards the announcement of the game in 2025.

The PC Gaming Show is an annual event dedicated to showcasing the best and newest titles in PC gaming. The event brings gamers, developers and industry professionals from around the world together. Current edition of the PC Gaming Show witnessed the announcement of Triple Espresso’s debut title: the first football tycoon “Copa City”.

It was a great honor and pleasure to say hello to the world at such a great event, admits Szumielwicz, I want to thank the whole team for their effort. We have been working for months on something that sounds like the first step of the journey, but for us it is already one of the milestones.

Follow our social media channels for the regular updates on the development of “Copa City”!


“Copa City” is a debut game by Triple Espresso, a new Poland-based entity combining the passion for sport, expertise in gaming and effective marketing. The first football tycoon that combines strategic thinking with sports-themed gameplay that will deliver something truly innovative to the gaming industry.

The game evokes the full spectrum of emotions linked with the anticipation for the great football match that is to be staged. The player’s task is to prepare the stadium and the hosting city with its infrastructure for a great football match. The game introduces a revolutionary twist to the tycoon genre. With medium-paced gameplay and challenging missions, players need to deal with ensuring safety and providing entertainment to the thousands of demanding football fans before the kick-off, utilizing diverse mechanics and strategic planning for a truly rewarding experience. Other than in previous football-orientated games, the result of the match is not a goal in “Copa City”, where all that counts is the perfect organization of the event and “football fiesta”, a unique factor of satisfaction of engaged football fans.

Player’s emotion will boost as the game provides a real entourage: a variety of match combinations across diverse and real cities that includes top football arenas and teams. On the release day there will be six world class football clubs and three great stadiums available for the players, describes Jakub Szumielewicz (CEO and Founder at Triple Espresso), We are very proud that the football environment sees us as a credible partner and our innovative product has a real shot for market success. That was the main reason why we managed to sign licensing agreements with such top brands like Arsenal FC, FC Bayern Munich and CR Flamengo or the PGE Narodowy stadium in Warsaw. We hope to engage the community of players in anticipation as we will reveal the next clubs and cities between the announcement and the launch of “Copa City”.

Our approach changes the rules significantly as we switch from the perspective of football players to recognizing the perception of football fans, says Karol Leśniewicz (Lead Game Designer at Triple Espresso), Taking care of the organization of a football match creates an unforgettable experience deeply rooted in the real emotions of fans that reflect the true spirit of football. Each decision taken has consequences and impacts both safety and entertainment not only of the visiting supporters, but also the neighborhood of the hosting-city. Brand new approach towards social, cultural and economic factors guarantees that each gameplay mode will provide a unique experience of organizing a football match.

The launch of the game is planned for 2025, check our social media channels for the regular updates and add “Copa City” to your wishlist!


Our mission revolves around accentuating football as a social and cultural phenomenon, says Jakub Szumielewicz, CEO and Founder at Triple Espresso, We aim to develop and publish one of the most important titles in the strategy game category: the first football tycoon entitled “Copa City”.

Triple Espresso is a newly established gaming studio in Warsaw, Poland. We are a team composed of industry veterans (experienced at Ubisoft, Techland, Blizzard Entertainment and EA Sports and previously working on titles such as “Dying Light 2”, “Watch Dogs”, “Pure Farming 2018”, “Builder Simulator” and “Airport Sim”) and football experts (experienced at Ekstraklasa SA and Legia Warszawa in its most successful period of 2013-2017, when the club dominated domestic competition and shone on the international stage by qualifying to the UEFA Champions League).

Follow our social media channels for the regular updates!